Formal Assessments
Apply here for your Individual Assessment. (Couples Assessments are also available)Arrange an assessment (and/or training) for your team or organization here.
When completing the above forms for assessment purposes use the term "Assessment" as the reason for a consult.
Conscious Dynamics® Assessments
Though we prefer an informal process, formal assessments are a valuable option in a consulting process and may sometimes quickly focus needs and talents that may have otherwise been overlooked. The information gathered in an assessment informs our shared process and jump starts integration into both personal and professional arenas.Through the combination of assessment and consulting an organization, team, or individual comes to a continuously evolving understanding of their individual and/or intersubjective patterns of mind and behavior, while discovering skillful and satisfying ways of living and working. This skillful awareness is an investment that builds on itself, initiating ongoing unfoldment at both personal and professional levels.
For those in helping professions the capacities cultivated are precisely those needed for providing a successful therapeutic environment, qualities more important than any particular intervention employed.
Group assessments yield valuable interpersonal information for you and/or for teams. They provide relational enrichment, greater vitality and satisfaction in human contact, deepening integrity, and intelligent, innovative outcomes.
Potential Assessment Processes

- The first step and the most important is a consult to get acquainted and determine specific direction of our work together.
- Your descriptions of your needs, goals, and interests are primary. We do not assume results gathered from any assessment devices are valid, especially formal devices (if used) unless you corroborate their suggested results.
- The Birkman® Method is our formal assessment tool. This is a measuring device that has been used for over 50 years by Fortune 500 companies to develop executive talent and high potential employees.
- A Measure of Character Strengths: this assessment, also online, comes through the relativiely new science of Positive Psychology
- Periodic Measure of Self-Compassion: we use Kristin Neffs very valuable measure of self-compassion as peridoic benchmark for your level of self-kindness. It is also adminsiterd on line.
- Various other pre and post measures are used on rare occaisions to provide information about change in physical, emotional, and mental factors, including attentional skills. Some are administered as benchmarks, intended as a comparison measure before and after course work or over longer time periods.
- All information gathered is used to heighten awareness of your own behaviors and attitudes and to help create personal and professional goals, both short and long term, which reinforce principals and practices determined in individual or group work.
Apply here for your Individual Assessment. (Couples Assessments are also available) Please indicate "formal assessment"
Arrange an assessment (and/or training) for your team or organization here. Please indicate "formal assessment"