
Meditation Groups
Getting Started

About Insight Meditation
Dharma Courses
Private Courses
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We recommend regular retreats and participating a weekly sitting group for support in establishing and maintaining an ongoing meditation practice.

We offer four or five daylong retreats every year and one or two weekend residential retreats. Attend any of these as an introduction to practice. Attend repeated retreats for a gradual deepening of your experience and knowledge.

We have been meeting on Monday nights from 7-8:30 pm at the Spectrum Center which is readily accessible via freeway to anyone in the city. It is just inside the loop at 4100 Westheimer, Suite 233, 77027 and has handicapped access. In April of 2010 we will continue to meet but as a peer-led group, with teacher support from Mary.

Join our online community at Members.

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There are many places to get beginning instruction, but if you have not had instruction there are several public options we offer Private courses can include beginning instruction, but are usually of more interest to people with experience who want to go beyond the basics, basics which are now readily available in many formats and offered by many teachers and traditions. Private sessions include a teaching fee, costs for materials, and are available in person or via telephone and computer, with or without continuing education credits, and at all practice levels.