Daily Homework
As well as sitting at a regular time and being with the breath, as well as noticing the breath during the day, take some time to do a body scan meditation.
If you do not have time for both the sitting and body scan, consider shortening each a little or alternating days. But begin to establish a practice time of 20-45 minutes.
The body scan recording is designed to help you start a longer practice period. It provides support for you in staying with the meditation, with the body, and with emptiness, spaciousness, or stillness.
Remember to be gentle with yourself. This quiet time is a gift you are giving yourself. The time you allow to let your consciousness expand is well worth the effort. The capabilities of mind uncovered in the stillness automatically begin to carry over into daily life - whether the processes are clear to you or not.
The Daily Record Form and Weekly Review Form are powerful tools to enhance conscious participation in your lived experience of mind and of body, and in awareness of the relationship between the two.
Please contact me or another teacher if you have any questions. While it is possible to learn meditation independently, it is harder without any teacher contact.